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JULY 13, 2014


Members Present:  Marlene St. John and Tom Vidinu, Ron and Shari Silverstein, Eric and Marcia Agius, Lynne Tate, Dave Dollo, Nicki Pollock, Belinda Bain & Chris Welsh, Ted & Zofia Davison, Paul Wilson, Ted Vasey, Robert Lee, Peter Wilcox & Lindsay Neidrauer, Eddo Muzzatti, Greg & Courtney Walker, Amy Lengyel & James Andrews,  Ethan Grober via Face Time.


Members Not Present: Rob & Lisa Djurfeldt, Marc & Sloane Freeman, Mark Family


Members Not Present but w/ Proxy: Michael & Jenn Minnes, Merrill Barry


1.Commencement of Meeting: The meeting opened at 10:15 am. Belinda Bain (President) declared a quorum. A welcome was extended to all of our new members and everyone introduced themselves including Ethan Grober via Face Time.


Minutes from the 2013 AGM: A motion was put forward to approve the previous year's minutes. Approval received.


2. Presidents Report: Belinda Bain gave the President's report.


Proposed Tax Increase re OPP:

There are proposed changes as to how the OPP want to bill for their services. If this passes it could impact our taxes by up to 33%. Belinda will monitor the situation and if another email blast is required to our elected officials she will let us know.


Federation of Ontario Cottager's Association (FOCA)- The LLCOA is a member of FOCA. Belinda touched on some of the benefits that the organization provides. For the full list of their services including savings you can realize on insurance rates, magazine subscriptions such as Cottage Life and other items go to can also sign up for the FOCA Elert which provides ongoing updates on topics that affect us all.


Liability Insurance: Liability insurance was tabled for discussion. Now that we are getting to be a sizeable group and given that we are now hosting a Summer Regatta, it was suggested that it might be time to get insurance. Belinda received a quote from Cade Associates for annual insurance coverage as follows:

CGL (Liability) - $400.00

Directors Insurance - $288.00

Specific Event Coverage - $80.00



This would work out to approximately $40.00 per membership. Some members felt that this expense may not be justified given what appears to be a relatively low risk of an adverse event. It was felt that the insurance would really only be required in case of an accident at the Regatta event. The question was raised as to whether we can just get event coverage. After further research it has been determined that it is not possible to get single event coverage without first having the annual CGL coverage.


The new Board will put insurance coverage out for a vote in the near future.


The question was asked whether we should incorporate in order to purchase liability insurance. Further investigation determined that it is not necessary to incorporate and that the CRA rules and regs around Not for Profit Organizations can be quite restrictive and labour intensive to administer.



3. Vice Presidents Report: Eric Agius spoke about Westshore Road and his discussions with Brian Nicholson, Director of Public Works. He indicated that a study will be completed by September 29th which will prioritize the road repairs in the region. Eric's sense was that Westshore was not going to be at the top of the list. Various members suggested we connect with Council and start raising a stink. As well, to be in touch with the Kennisis Lake COA to see if we can get them on board. Peter Wilcox indicated that he would be speaking with Andrea Roberts to get her feedback as to best approach re Council. Lindsay indicated that she will get the President's contact information for the Kennisis COA. Peter & Lindsay can you please communicate with Eric on this and Eric once you have a plan put together please communicate it with the group.


4. Secretary/Treasurers Report: Marlene presented the financial statement up to June 23rd, 2014 and the numbers were approved by the group. It was agreed to leave the money in the account in case something comes up that we need to deal with. The costs for this year's social event will come out of these funds. If anyone sees a specific and or urgent need for something on the lake please bring it forward to the Board.


Marlene asked that everyone check the membership list and lot listing and make corrections where necessary. These up to date lists will be attached to this report. FYI - consent was requested by all members and all members responded one way or the other.


5. Fire Rules: Marlene reminded everyone about the Municipality of Dysart et al daytime burning rules that run from April 1 to October 31. A copy was provided to each member present at the meeting and a copy is also attached here for those that were not present. For the safety of all those on the lake and our investments please strictly adhere to these rules.


6. Lake Steward's Report: Nicki had sent out emails prior to the meeting with regards to  septic care & shorelines. She is also waiting to receive the report back from the MNR regarding the water quality. She will advise under separate cover on the outcome of these findings.


She agreed to stay on as Lake Steward but did mention that she will not be up much over the next year or so due to other responsibilities. She therefore asked for feedback from everyone regarding lake activity including issues around shoreline health, wildlife, water quality etc. Please email Nicki with any of your findings so she can collect this data and report back to the group.


Nicki asked someone to volunteer to do the Secchi testing for turbidity which needs to be done once a month. Ted Vasey volunteered to do it. (Ted, since you are not living on the lake Belinda offered to do it. Can you let us know if you would like her to do it instead? Otherwise please get in touch with Nicki for the testing protocols and reporting processes).


The portage route came up again in discussion. Paul Wilson confirmed that this is not a MNR designated portage route. Robert Lee, who now owns lot 10 on the south shore where the route went through, has closed off the access and posted private property signs. Ted Vasey & Lynne agreed that they would work together to take down the other signs both in Soap Pond and on Lot 6 which was part of this route.


It was agreed that this should help limit possible contamination of foreign organisms from outside boats & or canoes. Nicki indicated that she would research the boat cleaning process required should any of us take our canoes or boats to other lakes and then back to Lipsy. Nicki please send this information to the group when available.


7. Boat Use on Lake - Belinda discussed and thanked everyone for the responsible use of boats on the lake over the past year. The general consensus is that the beauty of Lipsy Lake is its quiet and serene qualities. Limiting motorized boat use continues to help foster these qualities and ensures the related safety of everyone on the lake. 


8. Lipsy Lake Website Design: Shari indicated that she will work on developing a member log in area on the website.


9. Annual Regatta:   Jenn Minnes agreed to organize the 2nd Annual Regatta again this year on Saturday August 23rd (rain date August 24th). The games start at 10am and lunch will be served around 12:30. Robert Lee generously offered to supply the beer and cider. Thank you Robert very much! It was agreed that going forward the weekend before Labour day would be the annual date for the Regatta and a reminder in this regard would go out to the members early in the year. That way everyone can plan their calendar accordingly. Shari & Ron have offered to host the event at their cottage again this year. Thank you Shari & Ron! More details will be coming out shortly from Jenn Minnes.

10. Election of Directors:


The Board of Directors for 2014-2015 will be:


            President:                             Shari Silverstein

            Vice-President:                      Eric Agius

            Secretary:                             Marlene St.John

            Treasurer:                             Marlene St.John

            Lake Steward:                       Nichola Pollock


            All members present voted in favour of the new Board.


11. Other:


Shari brought up construction noise and asked if it was possible to restrict building to Monday to Friday ending at 5pm. Lynne and others heard huge blasting this past Friday evening at 9pm and it was quite startling. Belinda subsequently spoke to Marc Freeman who was disturbed to learn that this was going on at such a late hour and that the neighbours in the surrounding area were not notified. Marc spoke to his builder about the situation. The builder has agreed to provide advance warning of any further blasting and not to carry out work on the weekends. Amy & James indicated that they will make sure their builder knows to respect these parameters as well.


Robert Lee brought up the tragic accident of Hunter Goemans and expressed his and his wife's most heartfelt sadness over the issue. He wanted the group to understand that he and his wife are good people and that he hopes no one in the group has judged them as the cause of the accident.


Paul Wilson brought up the boat launch that he created on Lot 1 on the south shore. This is on his personal lot and he installed it for his own use. He did say that others on the lake can use it, only with his advance permission, and that he intends on installing a locked gate in the not too distant future. He also mentioned that the key has gone missing from the gate at the Misty Knoll Trail entrance. Both he and Robert Lee indicated that this would be rectified in short order. Paul & or Robert please let the lot owners know the code once this new key is installed.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am.



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